Swapping on Value can be carried out by anyone. All it require is a crypto wallet like Metamask or Phantom and funds.
Make sure you are using the official dApp before connecting wallet and executing transactions. If possible, visit dApp from the official sources and double check the URL.
Before moving to swapping assets, let's first understand the Value dashboard.
Value - dApp
Swap: Shows the swap window by default.
Pool: Find liquidity pools or create a new one.
Chain Select: Select the chain from list to execute transaction.
Wallet connect: Connect your crypto wallet using Metamask, Phantom or hundreds of other wallet providers.
Setting: Dashboard setting, allows you to change modes.
EVM Chain module: Execute transactions on EVM chains.
non-EVM Chain: Execute transactions on non-EVM chains (Solana).
Refresh: Refresh prices before executing transaction.
Add token: Add a new token to list.
Slippage Setting: Modify slippage setting for transaction.
Select token (source): Select from which token you want to swap.
Amount: The amount of the swap.
Select token (dest.): To which asset you want to swap in.
Swap amount: The amount you will receive after transaction.
Value currently supports swaps on BNB Smart Chain.
Ethereum and other EVM-chains will be added later in the v2 update scheduled for Q4 2024.
Last updated