Add Liquidity
Adding liquidity to Value enable users to earn yields. When any transactions take place on Value, the underlying liquidity pool charges a fees which goes to that pool's liquidity provider.
Prerequisite: Metamask (or any non-custodial crypto wallet), Funds
Download Metamask from here:
Value currently supports swaps on BNB Smart Chain.
Ethereum and other EVM-chains will be added later in the v2 update scheduled for Q4 2024.
How to add liquidity
Go to dApp
To add liquidity, go to the Value dApp and select 'Pool' from menu.
Here, you will find details here about all Pools.
If you want to add Liquidity in existing pools, it will be shown there.
Adding new Pool
Click on '+ New Position'
You will be redirected to a new Dashboard. Let's understand it;
Select first token: Select the first token from liquidity pair.
Select second token: Select second token from liquidity pair.
Fee Tier: Select fee tier: 0.1%, 0.5%, 0.25 or 1%.
Low price token first: lowest price for first token.
Low price token second: lowest price for second token.
Initial price: Initial price for first token when pool is launched.
Deposits: Liquidity deposit.
Now select the liquidity pair by choosing first and second token.
Select fee tier, as per your convenience.
Set the price or leave it blank to have it default.
Now set the initial price for the liquidity pair. You will enter the amount in first token (USDT) and its price will be based on second token (CAKE).
Enter the amount you wish to add in this liquidity pool. Make sure your wallet has required funds.
Now grant approval for both tokens and click on 'Add' button to complete the process.
Last updated